I belong to an amazing group of Christian writers. The organization, Wordsowers Christian Writers Group, will celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary in June 2024.
I've hung around Wordsowers for over ten years. The people I've met at the monthly meetings and conferences keep me coming back for more. They've impacted my writing career through their encouraging words and believing in me as a writer. As a result of their influence, I've had numerous devotions, articles, and anthologies published. Prior to attending Wordsowers meetings, I had a few articles published here and there but nothing serious.
Thank you, Wordsowers, for your life-changing influence in my writing career. Our meeting was a God-ordained encounter. Here's to another twenty-five years.
If you'd like to attend a monthly meeting or want more information about Wordsowers, their website is located at wordsowers.com. You can also find them on Facebook at Facebook. If you'd like to receive the Wordsowers' newsletter, email me at lolliehofer@yahoo.com. I will put your email address on the mailing list.